New Name, Same Amazing Class @ Berkeley Ironworks

Only one more day until Friday! We've made it this far my friends, we're almost to the much deserved weekend! That said, I just wanted to offer up a quick reminder to all of you that one of the best, and most popular classes at Berkeley Ironworks has undergone a bit of a makeover when it comes to its name.
What used to be called "Sports Conditioning" is now renamed, much more appropriately I might add, "Full Body." It's the same great class, just a new name. For all of you veterans to it, no worries, for all of you that have yet to join and get into the groove, now is the time. Just to prove to you how much you
need to be a part of this great class, here's some of what you can expect:
The Full Body class with John Downey (formerly the Sports Conditioning Class) Tuesdays @ Noon and Thursdays @ 1PMAll human movement must traverse the core. Having a strong set of abdominal and lower back muscles makes every movement stronger, more precise, more graceful and much, much safer. Teaching the brain and nervous system to coordinate all of our actions through a strong, stable core is the essence of fitness. Training our body to work as a single unit, using whatever combination of muscles and extremities and in whatever rotating, lifting, turning movement we find ourselves in, is the ultimate state of physical strength and power. To say nothing of staying injury free!
This is the philosophy that guides the design and development of each and every Full Body class given at Berkeley Ironworks.
- Get ready for an endless supply of new, imaginative and innovative workout experiences each and every week!
- New exercises are constantly being added and taught to everyone!
- Looking for the most complete 1 hour workout available anywhere?
- Want to learn scores of new exercises while a certified Personal Trainer makes sure your form is perfect?
- Feel like getting stronger, gaining the endurance you always wanted, develop the speed, agility and balance to do what ever you want? And have some fun at the same time?
- No muscle group left untouched!
o Biceps
o Triceps
o Shoulders
o Chest
o Back
o CORE!!!
o Glutes
o Quads
o Hamstrings
o Calves
o Heart & Lungs!!
- Develop full range of motion, balance, strength, endurance, flexibility!

Labels: Berkeley Ironworks, Classes, fitness, Health, Muscle, Muscle Building, Personal Trainer, Physical exercise, Physical fitness, Wellness