New Paint, New Yoga
New Paint, New Yoga... Come Check out Concords Fitness StudioIf you haven’t taken a yoga classes at Touchstone Concord you’ve been missing out. There are two new yoga classes being offered Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9:00pm. Monday’s class will be taught by Jennifer Tigue and Wednesday’s will be taught by Sarah Pascual.
Not only do we have new classes but a fresh coat of paint. The dull white has been replaced with a vibrant sandy yellow with a nice burnt orange accent. Along with the warmer feeling paint is some reorganization to the fitness props making the room more open and inviting. Give a big thanks to the unsung hero’s who spent a long Friday slaving away with brushes in hand.
Remember that all classes are
FREE to members so why not check out a class. Stop by the front counter to pick up a schedule or better yet save a tree by viewing it online by clicking here.
Labels: concord, Diablo Rock Gym, fitness, Yoga