Make Workouts More Exciting With the New IPads at GWPC
Working out can be hard. Grinding away on the elliptical machine, doing a hundred floors on the Stairmaster, or keeping your heart rate at 140 for an hour on the treadmill aren't easy tasks. One of the best ways to make a workout go faster is to shift your focus to something else. Great Western Power Company just picked up a couple of Ipads to do just that.
Catch up on the newest episode of House, Gossip Girls, or the Bachelor on GWPC's Hulu account. Watch a Netflix movie while you spin your legs on one of the cycling machines. The thin and light multi-touch computers will also have a number of newsprint and web radio apps.
Head to the front counter at GWPC and ask to borrow one of the 2 Ipads. Members that have recommendations for additional apps/games/etc. can drop them in our suggestion box. Stop by GWPC for a great and entertaining workout!
Labels: GWPC, IPad, workout entertainment