Prism Glasses
When Kim Gagnon gets ready to belay and puts on her glasses, she probably gets more than a few sideways glances. Since hurting her back 4 years ago, Kim has been plagued with instant belayer's neck whenever it was her turn to give her partner a catch. That is, until she found this pair of prism glasses on a recent trip to Nice, France. The glasses are called "C U Belay Glasses", small glass prisms that are mounted to flexible eyeglass frames, allowing the belayer to look straight ahead rather than up at their climber. Thanks to the prism effect, the climber is in view the whole time! Since introducing her glasses to Pipeworks, another climber has purchased a pair - so we expect we will soon be seeing them sprout up on a number of belayers around the gym.
For all you others others plagued with belayers neck, fortunately you dont have to travel to France just for a pair of glasses, as they can now be purchased online at: Though not especially cheap (about $140, depending on exchange rate) the relief from pain that these glasses provide can be invaluable. According to just one testimonial on their website: "I've now been using the CU glasses for about 6 weeks and they are grrrrrrreat ! Really. No painful neck, no headaches, no painkilling medication needed any more!".
Labels: belayer's neck, prism glasses, Sacramento Pipeworks