Climbing Equipment 101: The Helmet
When it comes to outfitting yourself with the appropriate gear to really start getting into rock climbing, whether it's indoor or outdoor, there are a few pieces of equipment you need. On Monday, we covered the need for a great pair of climbing shoes. Many people over look the need for good climbing shoes, but hopefully after the post, you've reconsidered the need. Today, we're going to cover the need for a different piece of equipment that is less performance based, and more centered around safety. That's right, the Helmet.
While not the coolest, most stylish or most technologically advanced of all climbing gear, the Helmet might be one of the most important. A high quality, properly fitted helmet can protect you from not only falling debris from above, but also from impact injuries if and when you do fall. Here's
some advice on what to look for for a good helmet:
"a helmet should be able to protect the head while allowing freedom of movement, vision, and not be uncomfortable when climbing. It should fit snugly and securely on the head. The helmet should not be tilted back, exposing the forehead. Helmets sometimes have special features, such as ventilation holes or clips for securing a headlamp."
Keep those things in mind, or better yet, stop into one of our Touchstone Climbing locations and let the experts fit you properly and get you all suited up. Protect that melon of yours, it's the only one you've got!
Labels: Climbing Equipment, Climbing Gear, How To, Touchstone Climbing