Non-Stop Sweet Climbing Videos...For Free?!

I don't know about you, but when I can't be actually climbing, few things make me feel better than watching other people climb. Why there aren't more channels on Digital Cable or Direct TV that are dedicated to rock climbing, be it indoor or outdoor, is beyond me. Personally, I think we should rally together, and get ESPN to release something like ESPN 7 - Climbing. Ahh, one can dream.
Until that day, however, I do have some ridiculously good news. How about trying this on for size: Free Climbing Videos. Free AMAZING climbing videos. How amazing? How about the fact that they USED to cost money and the service Used to be a subscription service, but now, they are free. The site,
MomentumVM used to charge people just to get in the doors and now, you can sign up, sign in and start watching as many videos as you want, at no charge. That, is awesome.
According to them, it was the support of advertisers that made it all possible. For us, it simply means their MASSIVE archives of climbing videos has just been opened for us to frolic in. Sweet. So, if you can't get to the climbing gyms today, at the very least head over and start watching some videos to tide you over. Can't think of many better ways to spend my day!
Labels: climbing, Free, Indoor, Rock Climb, Video clip, Videos