New GRIGRI Technique
The GRIGRI has been mistakenly called an "Auto Belay Device", which it is not, and those who have used this mind set as a crutch have either suffered the consequences or put their climbing partner at risk. Petzl, the company that manufactures this, and many other stellar climbing products, recently released a new technique to help those newbies and veterans get up and down the wall a little safer. Petzl is distributing this technique in a three fold attack to rid the community of its unsafe habits through:
1. Posters displaying technical notes and colorful diagrams at your local gym.
2. An online video which can be viewed
here. 3. A technical notice in the box of new GRIGRI's
Egos aside please ask a staff member any questions you may have regarding belaying or any safety issue for that matter, it could save your friends life!
Labels: climbing, tips