360 Degrees of Pipeworks
Recently there have been a lot of questions about the large 360 degree panorama photo of Sacramento Pipeworks climbing wall displayed near the front desk.
Click here for a virtual tour of one of these stunning works.The photos are true works of art by photographer Mike Posehn, a professional software author and amateur photographer of many years. "Early on I was intrigued by the possibilities of digital photography and was an early adopter of digital cameras and computer-based digital darkroom technology" he said. His unique pictures are created by combining multiple digital photographs - stitching them together with software to form a composite wide angle image. When captured in a panoramic representation, everyday locations reveal a wealth of information and personality - an immersive feeling of being there. Mike, who also holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, says "Most of my work has been more traditional landscapes and cityscapes. Recently my work has been evolving into a documentary style and I have been doing a series of indoor panoramas by photographing people in their personal work environment." Another thing he has been involved in lately is creating short films for YouTube. He's had over 3.2 million views and has been ranked in the top 100 all-time YouTube directors. You can see
his channel at youtube. You are also welcome to contact him or see more of his work at:
Labels: Sacramento Pipeworks